We had a great Thanksgiving with Andy's family. About 75 people showed up at the family gathering. What a crowd! I'm thankful for a big, close family! My own extended family is not very close and spread out across the country so we never see them. My parents, sister and her family are spread out around the world, so we see only see them about every four years. So being married into a big family and being close enough to get together often is a true blessing to me! Its wonderful knowing that my children will grow up knowing their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmother, etc.

One of Andy's cousins let Andy borrow a Dobro for awhile. Andy's thrilled with the prospect of learning how to play it! He's been spending most of his free time watching tutorials on how to play and picking around on the Dobro. Its got such a sad, but beautiful sound. Andy downloaded a recording app on his phone and has been playing around with recording four part harmony, barbershop style. When he gets my harp fixed, I'm going to give it a try as well. Its been awhile since I last played my harp because its needed some repairs, but Andy's been working on it, and now it has all new strings just waiting for tightening. I'm hoping it'll be ready for Christmas! There's nothing like Celtic harp music playing in the evening to relax you!
I've been catching up some sewing projects lately. I finished a crib quilt for Wesley for Christmas, and also made Audra a handful of skirts. I had some extra fabric left over so I made a few more skirts to mail to my little niece in Kenya. I hope they fit her, Jess!!! Audra made a perfect sized model, seeing as how she and Brina are just a few months apart in age.
I tried my hand at free-motion quilting, instead of getting it done professionally this time. |
Not too bad considering it was my first try at it. I'll improve. :) Maybe I'll try a pattern next time. |
This Sunday we are having our first baptism. Two of Andy's converts at this church are ready to take the next step. Our church doesn't have a baptismal so we will be going to the church of a pastor friend after our morning service for the baptism. What a blessing to see new Christians growing and moving forward in their walk with the Lord!
Well, I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. I only have a little more to go, but I'll have to wait for another precious day to myself to do my shopping. Those are very few and far between now. :) A friend of mine at church babysits for me occasionally, which is a huge blessing for times like this! I simply refuse to go out on Black Friday! I never have and never plan to! I don't need or want anything that badly. :) I feel claustrophobic in big crowds, so I avoid ridiculous events like Black Friday. I guess some folks get a thrill out of it, but not me! :) I like a slower, not-so-stressful shopping experience. Especially when I don't have a clue what to buy for some folks on my list, and thus spend half my time just browsing for ideas. :) But then, that's part of the fun, right? I put up some decorations this past week and also wrapped a bunch of presents. So our house has the Christmas "feel" to it now. :)
Its been snowing off and on the past few weeks. I just love the snow! Its beautiful! Now, I'm not big on driving in it, but these folks up north get the roads cleared off in no time and keep them cleared, so its not too bad getting out after a big snow. I can't wait to have enough to take the kids out to play in it. Audra was too little last year to remember it, but Christian can hardly wait to get several inches of snow to romp around in. I bought him a snow suit for Christmas, so he's all set.
I love garland!!! |
We had a "PJ Day". We don't have too many of those lazy days around here. But boy, they are fun every now and then. I was so tired that day, so we just took it easy for a day. The kids loved it! |
Christian taking my picture with his camera. Who uses those film cameras anymore?? |
First smiles! |
Merry Christmas!!! |
Taking a music box apart to see how it works. Now that comes from both sides of the family! |
Andy playing the Dobro |