I've got a couple mirrors to etch, several get togethers, lots of other things going on in the month of Nov. Its filling up fast! In a little over a week, we'll be heading to Indiana again for the weekend. We'll be leaving Christian with Andy's mom this time. The last trip was pretty hard on him, so we'll just take Audra. She can sleep anywhere and anytime, so the long days and endless car ride are not as bad for her. We'll be spending the night at Andy's folk's house Friday night, and heading out at around 3-4 in the morning so that we can have most of Saturday to look for a house. The men from church there have found us a couple possibilities, but there's not a whole lot for rent right now. Could make it a little tricky finding a place.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Autumn Days
It has been so beautiful lately! I love the Fall weather, the breezy days and the cool evenings. Its almost time for the wood stove! Andy hasn't had time to cut wood yet, though. We do have a little bit stacked out back from last year, but it wouldn't last a week. Christian and I went outside yesterday and raked up a huge pile of leaves, then played in them for awhile. Christian would live outside if I let him! I can't hardly blame him though. I can't hardly stay inside on beautiful Fall days, either!
I've been so busy packing more boxes. I told Andy yesterday that I was tired of living in a pig pen! :) Of course there's not much you can do to remedy that when you are in the middle of a move, so pretty much all I've been doing is rearranging boxes into neater stacks. :) I have been able to keep the floor clean and the laundry caught up so that helps, too.
I've got a couple mirrors to etch, several get togethers, lots of other things going on in the month of Nov. Its filling up fast! In a little over a week, we'll be heading to Indiana again for the weekend. We'll be leaving Christian with Andy's mom this time. The last trip was pretty hard on him, so we'll just take Audra. She can sleep anywhere and anytime, so the long days and endless car ride are not as bad for her. We'll be spending the night at Andy's folk's house Friday night, and heading out at around 3-4 in the morning so that we can have most of Saturday to look for a house. The men from church there have found us a couple possibilities, but there's not a whole lot for rent right now. Could make it a little tricky finding a place.
So, needless to say, our lives are a little chaotic right now. I hope we're settled somewhere before Christmas so that we can spend a somewhat normal holiday together.
I've got a couple mirrors to etch, several get togethers, lots of other things going on in the month of Nov. Its filling up fast! In a little over a week, we'll be heading to Indiana again for the weekend. We'll be leaving Christian with Andy's mom this time. The last trip was pretty hard on him, so we'll just take Audra. She can sleep anywhere and anytime, so the long days and endless car ride are not as bad for her. We'll be spending the night at Andy's folk's house Friday night, and heading out at around 3-4 in the morning so that we can have most of Saturday to look for a house. The men from church there have found us a couple possibilities, but there's not a whole lot for rent right now. Could make it a little tricky finding a place.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Welcome to my New Blog!!!
I have started a blog! Its taking me a little while to figure out just how to get it set up the way I want it. I will do my best to keep it updated with posts and pictures.
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